Creating the life of your dreams starts at home

Let's create a space that does the heavy lifting to attract what you want most

Get 20 tips to Feng Shui your home office

Boost your productivity and test out the waters of the amazing impact Feng Shui can have on your life with these 20 tips to Feng Shui your home office

To hearten is to make more cheerful and confident.

Let's use the power of your home's energy to inspire more joy and empowerment into your every day so you can walk in alignment and call forth the abundance you desire.

I call it living the #heartenedlife.

Why you should hearten your space and your life

II see it over and over in so many people in the world, including those I know, love and care about...people waiting for someday or something to feel happiness and ease.

And I want you to know, you don't have to wait to be happy. Joy and abundance are available to you now.

I know I know.. so cheesy... I get it, and I know first hand, you can't always just snap your fingers and be happy. But there is a shortcut..

We can shift the energy in your space to that of love, joy and abundance.

This makes it easier to recognize, enjoy and match that beautiful energy. And when you are a match for those positive vibes.. they keep on coming in droves!

Before you know it, your living the #heartenedlife right here and now, and you didn't have to wait for that big vacation, that awesome promotion, the new house, the fancy car... that feeling was right here all along.

Let's unlock your Joy and Tap into the energy of gratitude and bliss

Curated resources to Hearten your Life!

The Roadmap

Unleash Your Creative Potential and Bid Adieu to the Monotonous 9-5 Routine. Discover the Game-Changing Digital Marketing Course with Master Resell Rights and Ignite Your Business Now!

20 Tips to Feng Shui Your Home Office

Boost Your Productivity, Creativity And Attract Amazing Opportunities For Your Career By Shifting The Flow Of Energy In Your Space.

I fell into the trap…

I bought into the programming that so many fall victim to that my happiness was predicated on “someday”… I found myself burnt out, exhausted, frustrated, and I was living in scarcity.

One morning, I was sitting in home office, so overwhelmed I couldn't move. I closed my eyes out of frustration, I opened my palms and my heart and asked "what can I do?".. and I began to hear the whispers again. My office space was telling what it needed.

I immediately cleared my calendar, and got to work healing the energy of my space using the foundations of Feng Shui I had studied in years past and I began to feel the shift.

I had regained my control over manifesting what I desired and my own happiness was back within my own grasp. It didn't take a big expensive vacation or purchase.. just an open heart and aligning the energy of my space to that which I wanted to attract. This is just one beautiful example of how this work has changed my life.

Life doesn't have to be hard. Joy doesn't only exist on the other side of something or someday.. it is available here now and you can access it freely when you and your space are aligned to the energy of light, love and abundance.

The work may not be easy, but boy is it amazing in the other side.

Hearten-It-Yourself Course

Learn the basics of Feng Shui and implementation of environmental healing in a self-paced course packed with videos and easy to follow guides that will guide you HIY (Hearten-It-Yourself) style. Be able to recognize where the energy of your space needs a positive boost, understand how to raise the vibe and attract the life you want.

Hearten-It-Together Coaching

Embark on your #HeartenedLife journey in a group coaching cohort where we work through the HIY modules together over 10 weeks complemented with weekly coaching sessions. This is a supportive space with real time guidance for improving the energy of your space, discuss problem areas, where you might be hitting resistance, and get feedback on your space and energy in a group setting.

Hearten-It-For-You Private Coaching

Get a truly personalized learning experience with 10 private heart-to-heart coaching sessions tailored to your specific situation, goals and energy. With a personalized video reading of your space and your energy with actionable next steps to Hearten your space and your life, I'll hold your hand through the Heartening process. - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions